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So I wrote an essay...

Dear readers,
Something I wrote will be published online on a fellow blogspot blogger's blog this August. It's called "The Dyspraxic Writer".  It's about something that has a deeply personal connection to myself as a person. One of my favourite pieces of non-fiction writing ever is George Orwell's why I write . It acts as a constant source of inspiration and reminds me that no matter what the act of writing will always be a part of me and I can never escape it and sometimes that's a blessing sometimes that's a curse. So I was on facebook one day and a good friend of mine and fellow writer, Andy Ruffett had this new bit of writing on his philosophy as a writer called why do we write fiction . I've recently started to realize that there's been more gaps in what I write than there used to be and to be honest I got sick and tired of the rejection letters. Reading it I was reminded of Orwell's essay and then I thought why despite all this am I still stubbornly trying? Below the post I saw something that said that Marie Lavender accepts guest bloggers. Marie Lavender is a past causal reader of this blog. When she gave me the creative liberty to write about whatever I want and deemed my blog writing to be high quality I had no clue what to write about. The overall theme is writing in the modern world. These two pieces of writing made me brainstorm and consider why do I write, why do I have a perspective on why writing is valuable that's different than what other people have said before? I considered and discussed a similar topic in a past blog entry but there was a lot more to say than I actually said. I've began to see the true significance and connection between a disability I've lived with for years called dyspraxia . It is what I believe made me a writer and what made writing an inevitable part of my life. Putting that story into words has been important for me and I'm hoping that as many people as possible suffering from disabilities and disorders in a broad sense of the word can read it and see some sort of significance. To me it's not about telling my story but telling my story and trying to get people to feel that telling their story is important and nothing to be ashamed of. To me that's the true importance of having this short, personal essay published online. I strongly encourage all of you to  when it's online in august on Marie Lavender's blog. Two months to go till one of the most significant things I've ever written appears online.

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